Check These Out - 181102

Here's some interesting content I found on the web that I wanted to share with you. Enjoy!

Visualizing quaternions - An explorable video series

This is something that you have to see (and experience) - an absolutely amazing set of interactive, explorable videos on understanding quaternions, the result of a collaboration between Grant Sanderson (3Blue1Brown), and Ben Eater. I cannot recommend this enough!

Let's remove Quaternions from every 3D Engine
(An Interactive Introduction to Rotors from Geometric Algebra)

Another piece aimed at building mathematical intuition, with accompanying interactive media, this time about geometric algebra and, more specifically, rotors. The title is a bit tongue-in-cheek, and the author is a bit opinionated, but overall it's a good introduction to the topic, and it's definitely worth checking out.

Graveyard Keeper: How the graphics effects are made

Jump over to Gamasutra to read this technical blogpost by Svyatoslav Cherkasov, the lead programmer of Graveyard Keeper. A lot of really clever solutions here - such an interesting read!

GDC 2012 - Advanced Procedural Rendering with DirectX 11

A 2012 talk by Matt Swoboda about the techniques used by the PC demogroup Fairlight to render advanced procedural visual effects; the use of signed distance fields for 3D procedural geometry, object morphing, fluid dynamics, ambient occlusion, and more.
(talk, slides)

GDC 2012 - Classic Game Postmortem: Alone in the Dark

This talk is a real treat: Frederick Raynal tells the story of how the famous Alone in the Dark came to be - and its fascinating. He and his team at Infogrames had to invent the technology that made it possible to use polygon-based 3D graphics for the game, and in doing so paved the way for the future, and created a new genre - survival horror.
(GDC Vault, YouTube, slides)
